This work is created from the movements the artist perceived as beautiful. As time and movement is strongly interrelated, the shape of time created from beautiful movements shall naturally be a time of beauty. This work consists of physical beauty generated by humans, in combination with the precise and elaborate beauty generated by machines.


EXHIBITION: 2024.12.1 ~
I will be exhibiting at "Khroma - new media art exhibition" at KHROMA-Ausstellung, Vienna
オーストリアのKHROMA-Ausstellungで開催される「Khroma - new media art exhibition」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2024.11.29 ~ 2024.12.2
I will be exhibiting at "A3 Festival" at Lardner Park, Australia.
オーストリアのLardner Parkで開催される「A3 Festival」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2024.10.11 ~
I will be exhibiting at "Anemoia Tokyo" at near Tokyo Station.
東京駅付近でオープンしたノンバーバル常設イマーシブエクスペリエンス「Anemoia Tokyo」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2024.9.27 ~ 2024.10.6
I will be exhibiting at "ARTBAT TOKYO ART FESTIVAL 2024" at Tokyo Waterfront City.
東京臨海副都心で開催される「ARTBAY TOKYO ART FESTIVAL 2024」に参加します.

EXHIBITION: 2024.8.2 ~ 2024.10.5
I will be exhibiting at "The Doraemon Exhibition SHANGHAI 2024" at iag Art Cinema Line, Shanghai.
上海のiag Art Cinema Lineで開催される「THE ドラえもん展 SHANGHAI 2024」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2024.5.16 ~ 2024.5.26
I will be exhibiting at "Athens Digital Arts Festival: Techno(s)cene | 20 YEARS" at Former Santarosa Courts, Athens, Greece.
ギリシャのアテネで開催される「Athens Digital Arts Festival: Techno(s)cene | 20 YEARS」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2024.3.29 ~ 2024.6.23
I will be exhibiting at "Crosswaves in Art 4" at The Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu.
岐阜県美術館で開催される「クロスアート4 ビロンギング -新しい居場所と手にしたもの-」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2024.1.20 ~ 2024.2.25
I will be exhibiting at "Sapporo International Art Festival 2024" at Future Theater.
札幌市で開催される「札幌国際芸術祭 SIAF2024」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2023.12.16 ~ 2024.4.7
I will be exhibiting at "The Doraemon Exhibition TAIPEI 2023" at Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Taipei.
台北の中正紀念堂で開催される「THE ドラえもん展 TAIPEI 2023」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2023.12.2 ~ 2024.3.3
I will be exhibiting at "Art Project Takasaki 2023" at Takasaki Station.
東京都現代美術館で開催される「MOTアニュアル2023 シナジー、創造と生成のあいだ」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2023.10.28 ~ 11.26
I will be exhibiting at "Art Project Takasaki 2023" at Takasaki Station.
高崎中心市街地で開催される「アートプロジェクト高崎 2023」に出品します.

I will participate in "The Memories Film Fest" in Bocchigliero, in the Calabria region of Italy.
イタリアのカラブリア地方にあるボッキリエーロで開催される「The Memories Film Fest」に参加します.

EXHIBITION: 2023.8.5 ~ 8.13
I will be exhibiting at "Art & Design 2023 Art Festival for Seniors" at Musashino Art University Ichigaya Campus.
武蔵野美術大学市ヶ谷キャンパスで開催される「アート&デザイン2023 大人の芸術祭」に出品します.

MEDIA: 2023.3.8
Design Director Toshiki Kiriyama has been nominated and published in JDN as one of the hottest designers.

EXHIBITION: 2023.3.2 ~ 3.19
I will be exhibiting at "Illuminating Vacuum Media Arts Exhibition" at Hong Kong Art Center.
香港のHong Kong Art Centerで開催される「Illuminating Vacuum Media Arts Exhibition」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2022.11.5 ~ 2023.2.5
I will be exhibiting at "The Doraemon Exhibition SINGAPORE 2022" at National Museum of Singapore.
シンガポールのシンガポール国立博物館で開催される「THE ドラえもん展 SINGAPORE 2022」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2022.10.21 ~ 10.24
I will be exhibiting at "ART TAIPEI 2022" at Taipei World Trade Center.
台湾の台北世界貿易中心で開催される「ART TAIPEI 2022」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2022.9.16 ~ 9.25
I will be exhibiting at "ARTBAY TOKYO ART FESTIVAL 2022" at Tokyo Waterfront City.
東京臨海副都心で開催される「ARTBAY TOKYO ART FESTIVAL 2022」に参加します.

EXHIBITION: 2022.4.17 ~ 5.8
Solo exhibition "Akinori Goto "Heading" - phenomenal #01" at nomena gallery Asakusa.
浅草にあるnomena gallery Asakusaにて個展「Akinori Goto "Heading" – phenomenal #01」を開催します.

EXHIBITION: 2022.2.17
The work was featured on the Taiwanese website "MOT TIME".
台湾のウェブサイト「MOT TIME」に作品について掲載されました.

EXHIBITION: 2022.1.22 ~ 3.6
I will be exhibiting at "Sense Island Sarushima Dark Museum 2021" at Sarushima Island.
神奈川県の猿島にて開催される「Sense Island -感覚の島- 暗闇の美術島 2021」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2022.12.25 ~ 2.28
I will be exhibiting at "2022 Taiwan International Light Festival" at The National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.
台湾の国立台湾美術館にて開催される「光.遊弄.影 2022 Taiwan International Light Festival」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2021.12.11 ~ 2022.2.13
I will be exhibiting at "DIGITAL CORPOREALITY" at Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab.
台北のTaiwan Contemporary Culture Labにて開催される「DIGITAL CORPOREALITY」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2021.10.29 ~ 11.14
I will be exhibiting at "Great Reset, Small Reboots by Artists" at BankART Station.
BankART Stationにて開催される「グレートリセット・スモールリブート~その後をつくる創造力」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2021.8.25 ~ 9.6
I will be exhibiting at "Invisible Reality" at Ginza Mitsukoshi.
銀座三越にて開催される文化庁メディア芸術祭主催の「Invisible Reality」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2021.7.24 ~ 8.4
I will be exhibiting at "Jack into the Noösphere" at Japanese Garden Mihamaen.

EXHIBITION: 2021.7.10 ~ 9.5
I will be exhibiting at "The Doraemon Exhibition KYOTO 2021" at Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art.
京都市京セラ美術館で開催される「THE ドラえもん展 KYOTO 2021」に出品します.

My work has been added to the collection of the Takamatsu Art Museum.

EXHIBITION: 2021.4.29 ~ 6.27
I will be exhibiting at "The Doraemon Exhibition SAPPORO 2020" at Sapporo Art Park.
札幌芸術の森美術館で開催される「THE ドラえもん展 SAPPORO 2021」に出品します.

MEDIA: 2021.3.26
I will be appearing on the radio in the "INNOVATION WORLD" section of J-WAVE.

EXHIBITION: 2021.2.27 ~ 3.6
I will be exhibiting at "CROSS KOBE 2021" at Kobe Port Tower.
神戸ポートタワーで開催される「CROSS KOBE 2021」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2020.11.30 ~ 12.19
I will be exhibiting at "Room and Garden The Form of Distance" at Musashino Art University Museum.
武蔵野美術大学美術館で開催される「部屋と庭 隔たりの形式」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2020.10.31 ~ 12.13
I will be exhibiting at "Takamatsu Contemporary Art Annual vol.09 Imagine the presence of Time" at Takamatsu Art Museum.
高松市美術館で開催される「高松コンテンポラリーアート・アニュアル vol.09 時どきどき想像」に出品します.

EVENT: 2021.9.9 ~ 9.13
I participated in the TOKYO GARDEN talk event at the ARS ELECTRONICA 2020 Festival.
オンライン開催のアルスエレクトロニカフェスティバル2020の「TOKYO GARDEN」にトーク出演します.

MAGAZINE: 2020.6 (NO.243)
I was introduced in the magazine "CASA BRUTUS".
CASA BRUTUSの「日本の現代アートまとめ」に紹介いただきました.

MAGAZINE: 2020.5 (NO.243)
My work was introduced in the critical review magazine "ECRITO vol.12".
批評誌「エクリヲ vol.12」に作品を紹介いただきました.

EXHIBITION: 2020.4.1 ~ 8.23
I will be exhibiting at "The Doraemon Exhibition NIIGATA 2020" at The Niigata Bandaijima Art Museum.
新潟県立万代島美術館で開催される「THE ドラえもん展 NIIGATA 2020」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2020.2.16 ~ 3.26
I will be exhibiting my work at the Japan Media Arts Distributed Museum at Naha Airport.
文化庁主催の「メディア芸術×文化資源 分散型ミュージアム」にて那覇空港で展示をします.

MAGAZINE: 2020.12
I was introduced in the magazine "Pen with New Attitude".
Penの「Back to Humanity特集」に紹介いただきました.

EXHIBITION: 2020.1.11 ~ 1.26
I will be exhibiting my work in "JAPAN MEDIA ARTS FESTIVAL in OTARU" in Hokkaido.
北海道の小樽市で開催される「文化庁メディア芸術祭 小樽展」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2019.11.2 ~ 2020.2.16
I will be exhibiting my work in the "40 Years of Humanizing Technology - Ars Electronica In Shenzhen" at the Design Society.
深センのDesign Societyで開催される"40 Years of Humanizing Technology - Ars Electronica In Shenzhen"に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2019.11.1 ~ 12.1
I will be exhibiting my work on Sense Island - Island of Sensation - Art Island of Darkness.
神奈川県の猿島で開催される「Sense Island -感覚の島- 暗闇の美術島」に出品します.

BOOK: 2019.10
My work has been published in "Expanded Animation".
「Expanded Animation」に作品を掲載していただきました.

EXHIBITION: 2019.9.5 ~ 9.9
I will be exhibiting my work in "ARS ELECTRONICA FESTIVAL 2019" at the POSTCITY in Linz.

EXHIBITION: 2019.7.12 ~ 9.23
I will be exhibiting at "The Doraemon Exhibition Osaka 2019" at Osaka Culturarium at Tempozan.
大阪文化館・天保山で開催される「THE ドラえもん展 Osaka 2019」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2019.5.28 ~ 2020.3.1
I will be exhibiting my work in "Open Space 2019: Alternative Views" at the NTT InterCommunication Center in Tokyo.
NTTインターコミュニケーション・センターで開催される「オープン・スペース 2019 別の見方で」に参加します.

PRESS: 2019.4.3
I will appear on TV Asahi's "White Art Museum".

NEWS: 2019.4.1 ~
I became a senior lecturer in the Department of Visual Communication Design at Musashino Art University.

MAGAZINE: 2018.12.15
I was featured in Pen magazine's "10 Rising Stars to Leap Forward in 2019".

EXHIBITION: 2018.10.12
I will be exhibiting my work at the "GYOEN NIGHT ART WALK" at Shinjuku Gyoen.
新宿御苑にて開催される「GYOEN NIGHT ART WALK 新宿御苑 夜歩」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2018.9.6 ~ 9.10
I will be exhibiting my work in "ARS ELECTRONICA FESTIVAL 2018" at the OK Center in Linz.

AWARD: 2018.9.1
"Rediscovery of anima" received an honorable mention at Prix Ars Electronica 2018. (Computer Animation category)
「Rediscovery of anima」がアルスエレクトロニカ賞で栄誉賞を受賞しました.

EXHIBITION: 2018.6.11 ~ 6.16
I will be exhibiting my work at the "Annecy International Animation Film Festival 2018" in Annecy.

EXHIBITION: 2018.2.9 ~ 2.25
I will be exhibiting my work at the "Media Ambition Tokyo" at Roppongi Hills.
六本木ヒルズで開催される「Media Ambition Tokyo 2018」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2017.11.11 ~ 11.19
I will be exhibiting my work at the “GLOW SPECIAL:STOP LICHT” at the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven.
オランダのアイントホーフェン市で開催される「GLOW SPECIAL:STOP LICHT」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2017.7.21 ~ 10.26
I will be exhibiting my work at the “Ars Electronica in Berlin 2017” at the DRIVE Volkswagen Group Forum in Berlin.
ドイツのベルリンで開催される「Ars Electronica in Berlin 2017」に出品します.

PRESS: 2017.5.6
I will appear on TV Asahi "DESIGN CODE".

EXHIBITION: 2017.3.9 ~ 3.18
I will be exhibiting my work at the “SXSW ART PROGRAM 2018” at the SXSW 2018 in Austin.
アメリカ合衆国のテキサス州で開催される「SXSW ART PROGRAM 2018」に出品します.